Curb Couture Trashion Show

Trash + Fashion = TRASHION!  I had the pleasure of attending the Curb Couture Trashion Show presented by Memphis City Beautiful on Sunday.  I could’ve sworn I walked into an ‘unconventional materials’ challenge on Project Runway.  Any other PR fans out there?  All that was missing was Nina, Zac, Tim, and Heidi and her signature ‘Auf Wiedersehen’.  The green couture show was an opportunity for some of Memphis’ leading trashionistas to display designs made from recyclable materials and things found in better trash.  Is there a such thing as better trash?  Keep scrolling and see for yourself.  Warning: Lots of pictures.

The evening began with a bounty of food and wine along with a silent auction and live entertainment courtesy of The New Ballet Memphis.

Optimized-Trashion Optimized-trashion3 Optimized-trashion1 Optimized-trashion4 Optimized-trashion5 Optimized-trashion6The Overton Square Parking Garage was transformed into a runway where the designs floated like living pieces of art.  The first gasp-worthy piece was a gown made entirely of magazine pages.  Then came more loveliness in the form of scrap fabric, ribbons, inner tubes (as in from a bicycle), bird seed bags, wires, and even toilet paper rolls.  Optimized-Trashion7(1) Optimized-trashion8 Optimized-trashion9 Optimized-Trashion10 Optimized-trashion11Optimized-trashion12 Optimized-trashion13 Optimized-trashion14 Optimized-trashion15Trashion-show-According-To-QTrashion-show-According-To-QI’d say this was most definitely better trash, wouldn’t you?  The show was quite entertaining and to see the materials transform into something stylish and wearable was really cool.  I enjoyed it and will most definitely attend in the future.  And all for a great cause…to keep the city of Memphis clean and beautiful.

Did you enjoy the show?

Thanks for stopping by!

Yours in stilettos,According-To-Q

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