Love | Graphic Tee + Utility Vest

“What the world needs now is LOVE, SWEET LOVE.  It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of
What the world needs now is love, sweet love.  No not just for some but for everyone.” -Burt Bacharach/Hal David

Remember that song?  It’s so appropriate for now.  To say the world has a lot going on is a colossal understatement.  I don’t watch general news broadcasts (too negative), yet I still come across something on daily basis that makes me shake my head and think, “where is the love?”  I can’t even escape it on ESPN with SportsCenter.  Geez.  How about someone create a “We are the World” type remix.  Swear we need it right about now.  And one without profane vulgarities preferably.   You know today’s music and it’s…Nevermind.  That’s another topic for another day.  On to the love…

Love-Graphic-Tee-According-To-QWhen I saw this written on the wall, I immediately thought of this tee and I just knew they had to go together.  In any area of the world, just like fashion, love is universal and is understood across any language barrier.

Love-Graphic-Tee-According-To-Q-1The Starting Lineup ~ Graphic Tee: J. Crew | Utility Vest: Random gem via TJMaxx | Boyfriend Jeans: J. Crew | Sandals: Zara | Clutch/Pouch: American Apparel | Mani/Pedi: CND Vinylux ‘Rock Royalty’

Love-Graphic-Tee-According-To-Q-2We all certainly have enough love to share.  So let’s do it!!  Share some love this week.  Don’t think too hard.  Just do it.  A meal of love to a homeless person. Words of wisdom and amor for someone seeking advice.  Grabbing a teen and giving them a little love and guidance that may be lacking.  A loving donation to a person in need.  A note of amour and appreciation to a coworker.  Paying it forward with a little amare at Starbucks or Smoothie King.

Love-Graphic-Tee-According-To-Q-4 Love-Graphic-Tee-According-To-Q-5Photos: @shivers3000

Think about how you feel when you receive an act of  love, big or small. It’s what the world needs and it starts with me/you/us.  Give love Memphis (and everywhere else, too).  The future depends on it.  We can’t just react when something terrible happens.  We should be spreading love EVERYDAY.

According to Q, spreading love is always in style.  We’ve got to stop talking about it and be about it.  Love each other.  Oh, and utility vests help transform a basic tee with ease.  Pair it with heels (or booties) to dress it up or flats/sneakers for a more laid back look.

Love ya! And thanks for stopping by!

Yours in stilettos,


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4 thoughts on “Love | Graphic Tee + Utility Vest

  1. Pingback: Casual Sequins | Graphic Tee + Sequin Skirt | According to Q

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